Columbia, Snake and Oregon Coastal Transportation System

CEDER is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to educating and informing political and business leaders, media and the general public about the economic, social, political, historical and natural environment of the Columbia Basin, Puget Sound, the Oregon and Washington Coast and related estuaries and watersheds.

CEDER provides two distinct functions to fulfill its mission: developing basic informational materials to educate regional policy makers; and providing a forum to decision makers to establish a vision and set direction for the future of the region. Both the educational function and the regional policy function will provide valuable products that will improve regional policy development.

In 2005, CEDER completed a Columbia/Snake River System and Oregon Coastal Cargo Ports Marine Transportation System (MTS) study. That study provides a framework for maintaining and developing the region’s navigation, railway and roadway transportation infrastructure.  It was used to inform a 2007 study, Oregon Port Needs and Projects, prepared for the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. To find out more, go to our Marine Transportation Study.