PNWA Infrastructure Priorities
PNWA supports infrastructure modernization
PNWA Supported USACE Projects
PNWA advocates for robust annual funding for each of our supported navigation projects
Regulatory Efforts in the Northwest
PNWA works with Congress and the federal agencies to improve the permitting process in our region
Regulatory Maintenance Projects
Addressing challenges with ESA Section 7 consultations for maintenance projects
Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund
PNWA supports full spending of annual trust fund receipts and comprehensive reform to benefit all users
Water Resource Dev Act WRDA
PNWA supports a WRDA, and is working with our members to advocate for Northwest priorities
Water WRDA Section 214
PNWA supports the use of Section 214
Columbia River Treaty
PNWA ensures the navigation perspective is represented in Columbia River Treaty discussions
Columbia River Basin Restoration Act
PNWA supports funding for Columbia River cleanup
Columbia River System Operations Environmental Impact Statement
PNWA provides the voice of navigation in CRSO EIS litigation
Chittenden Locks
PNWA supports funding for Lake Washington Ship Canal projects
Port of Grays Harbor
Grays Harbor channel deepening & maintenance supports one of the West Coast’s fastest growing ports
Seattle & Tacoma Harbor Deepening Projects
PNWA supports modernization of these harbors, to enhance cargo movement in our region
Washington Coastal & Puget Sound Ports create jobs
Washington coastal ports help drive the economy for the state, region and nation.
Columbia Channel Maintenance
Annual channel maintenance preserves the Columbia River as a leading international trade gateway
Columbia River Turning Basin
PNWA supports Lower Martin Turning Basin at Mile 77
Columbia River Jetties
Rehabilitation of the jetties is critical to safe and efficient cargo movement over the Columbia River bar
Columbia River Interstate (I-5) Bridge
Bridge Replacement that ensures safe and efficient navigation and multimodal freight movement
Port of Coos Bay
Deepening and widening the Coos Bay shipping channel will increase economic opportunities on the Oregon Coast
Oregon Coastal Ports create jobs
Oregon’s coastal ports support a vibrant fishing industry and are the economic drivers for their communities
Salmon Recovery Efforts
PNWA supports funding for salmon recovery and environmentally sustainable waterways
Snake River Dams Benefits
Navigation and energy benefits of Snake River dams
Hydropower Benefits to the Northwest
Hydropower produced by the Columbia Snake River System keeps our region powered up and ready for the 21st century
Columbia Snake River System Facts
Economic and environmental benefits of shipping on the river system
Columbia Snake River Investments and Accomplishments
The federal government continues to invest in the long term viability of barging on the river system
Inland Waterways Trust Fund IWTF
PNWA opposes lockage fees and supports efficient use of the fund for all regions of the U.S.
Snake River Dredging
PNWA support safe and efficient navigation on the Snake River
Inland Ports and Navigation Group (IPNG)
A group of PNWA members providing the navigation perspective in the courtroom.